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President’s report

Association news across the country..

May 8, 2008  By CGA

Canadian Glass Association news for the industry from coast-to-coast.

Dieter Ringler, President, CGA

After years as president of the Ontario Glass and Metal Association (OGMA) my term is coming to an end at the next Annual General Meeting (AGM) slated for February 16, 2006.
I must say that it was a very interesting time for me and I was happy to see the further development of the association. It included the Niagara Expo in 2004, the introduction to the newly formed Canadian Glass Association (CGA) various social events and, of course, our spring and fall golf tournaments. It has been a great honour for me to be part of the presenting team for the OGMA lifetime achievement awards presented to several well known and successful individuals for their commitment to the industry as leaders.

Due to the successful golf tournaments, we were able to make sizable donation to various children’s charities. The letters of acknowledgement are always exhibited at the golf tournament price table. The donations we give to these charities are always appreciated and it is for a very good cause.

The OGMA has a board of highly dedicated and knowledgeable executive directors running this association. All of them have years of experience in this industry and all of them are volunteering their time to help make this a better industry for everybody who derives their livelihood from it. But in order for our board to do this, we need the input and support of all companies in Ontario. If you are not already a member of the OGMA, please consider joining us in our efforts to make this a viable industry for all involved.

The Canadian Glass Association (CGA) changed over its executive board of directors during its annual General Meeting on December 1, 2005. From back row left: guest, Fred Fulton, autoglass division director, Mike Summers; director, Richard Verdon; second vice-president Dennis Haatvedt; guest, Barrie Eon; media, Chris Skalkos. Front row from left: president, Dieter Ringler; past-president Keith Pynoo; and first vice-president David Husson. Absent from photo are director, Ken Kassian; and director treasurer, Rick Zuchetto.

I would like to thank my fellow directors on the OGMA board and our valued members for their help and support. On February 16, 2006 at our AGM we will vote for our new board of directors and I would like to invite all members to join us at this meeting. Please contact any director if you would like to be present!

Switching gears, I am pleased to announce that I was appointed as president of the Canadian Glass Association (CGA) for a two year term after completing my tenure as first vice-president. I would like to thank past-president Keith Pynoo for his leadership as the founding president and his passionate dedication to the Canadian glass industry. We have embarked on a number of initiatives since forming this national association and I plan to continue them. I will also maintain a close relationship with the OGMA and report on its behalf from time to time.

I would like to wish everybody a prosperous and happy new year. -end-

Apathetic autoglass industry needs to help itself
By Mike Summers
In the past three years I have addressed several issues facing the Canadian autoglass industry which have been published in my columns for Glass Canada magazine. Topics included: A need for regulation and accreditation, April 2002; Ontario Auto Glass Trade 274L, August 2004; Recognized Autoglass Associations, August 2004; Common Sense in the Autoglass Industry, August 2004.

In my columns I have also repeatedly requested support from the autoglass sector and suggested that autoglass shops should join their industry associations. In spite of all this effort, membership is deplorable. In recent letters to the editor in Canadian Technician magazine, technicians were crying for an association to support them. I find it ironic that we have an association, but we don’t have technicians who seem to want it!

OGMA board of directors December meeting include from left: director, Ian Collins; director, Paul Brown; vice-president, Steve Gusterson; treasurer, Brian Wiles; director, Ennio Rea; president, Dieter Ringler and director, Dennis Bizzotto. Absent from photo are directors Fred Fulton and Lee Baker.

I continued through 2005 to attend the Automotive Industries Association (AIA) meetings as well as the Canadian Glass Association (CGA) meetings, trying to create a relationship between the CGA and the US based National Glass Association (NGA). Due to lack of
support from members, the Independent Professional Glass Association (IPGA) has now run out of funds required to maintain membership in the CGA, the AIA and the NGA.

My column in this issue of Glass Canada is the last attempt to solicit support.

New information
At meetings in 2005, the AIA created a new internal council to recognize the efforts of all automotive industry associations in an attempt to combine the input and strength of all of them to lobby for the industry. The internal council is made up of several groups representing automotive paint, body and equipment, making up the Automotive Service Providers Association Council. I recommend that all associations across Canada who represent automotive glass service providers join the AIA. The cost is around $700 depending upon association membership. The upside is that benefits accrue to the association members, the strength and support of the AIA is available if the numbers are sufficient, and members have a chance to network with others at AIA events.

Belron makes its move in Canada
By the time you read this issue of Glass Canada, Belron Inc. will have a larger portion of the autoglass industry in Canada. I have heard all the comments and had some discussions on whether this is good or bad for the industry. I have always felt that the retail and distribution side of Belron was responsible and professional and Vanfax, in particular, was a superior distributor. I did not like the insurance Claims Management direction of the industry which has allowed a third party to control the direction. With Belron now assuming total control of all claims management in eastern Canada, concern has been expressed on how they will use this strength. It is to be hoped that it uses this strength to improve the industry not only for themselves but for all of us.

Mike Summers

I have always felt that corporate companies in the autoglass industry should support the associations of the industry. In autoglass, this would be TCGI, now Belron, Standard Auto Glass, PPG Canada, Sika Canada and Essex. In my experience only PH Vitres and Sika Canada have attempted this. Do I just have to request it and the support would be there?

In light of the control that Belron now has on the industry, it is more important than ever for the independent autoglass technicians and retailers to unite as one, talk with each other and form alliances that can allow equal participation for all in the betterment of the industry.

I have also heard of other activities and ideas that would allow the independent part of the industry to exercise increased participation. Perhaps we will hear more confirmation in 2006.

Master Fitter Competition
At GlassTec in Dusseldorf, Germany in 2006, there will be a 4th Master Fitter Auto Glass Competition. In the last issue of the US Autoglass magazine, the NGA announced its participation. Since Canada is lacking a strong organization to represent the autoglass industry in this country it is very difficult for Canada to send a representative. As an industry it is about time we did the necessary things to allow the Canadian autoglass technicians to participate in worldwide industry events. I believe that support for the Canadian Glass Association and your local provincial association can allow this to happen. -end-

Stephen Hargrove

Stephen Hargrove, president for the Provincial Glaziers Association of Alberta (PGAA), reports that: The Provincial Glaziers Association of Alberta held its 2005 Annual General Meeting in Red Deer, Alberta on November 18, 2005. The meeting was well attended with directors and committee chairpersons from all regions of the province.

The topic of having our own website was also discussed as a promotional tool for the glazing manual and also to attract and communicate with current and potential members.

Nominations were held for vacant executive positions on the PGAA. The new board for
2006 – 2008 will be installed at our next meeting, February 24th, 2006.

10f 10h
Cameron Wright Lloyd Leon
10g 10i
Andrew Tatersall Trevor Howe

The current construction market in Alberta remains strong and all trades are complaining of a shortage of trained and skilled tradesmen. This reinforces our purpose as an association to promote Education, Safety and Training. -end-

Brent Harder, president of the Glass and Architectural Metal Association in Calgary (GAMA), reports that: The membership of GAMA remains committed to the industry and our association. The goals of GAMA remain unchanged: to promote the glass and architectural metals industry, to encourage our relationship with SAIT and the apprenticeship training, promote safety, and promote social functions for our members.

It is our custom, to also honour our Apprentice Award winners for the 2004/2005 Academic Year at our annual general meeting. Congratulations to the following winners: 1st Year Winner, Cameron Wright, Alpine Glass; 2nd Year Winner, Lloyd Leon, Desa Glass; 3rd Year Winner, Andrew Tatersall, Desa Glass; 4th Year Winner, Trevor Howe, Caltech Glass; Lou Thomas Award Winner, Andrew Tatersall, Desa Glass.

Our Annual General Meeting and Elections were held on November 10. I would like to congratulate and thank the following volunteers for successfully running for positions on our executive for 2005/06: president, Brent Harder; social events chairman, Jeff Vitale; past-president, Richard Neal; guest speaker chairman, Steve Petersen; first vice-president, Rob Pedersen; safety chairman, Ray Greenland; second vice-president, Marg Townsend; newsletter, Dan Taylor; secretary, Larry Phillips; ABEC chairman, Kerry McClaren; treasurer/membership, Ron Walder; apprenticeship and education, Dave Edwards and Ed Dalzell; CCA chairperson, Glenda Dewar. -end-

2005-06 GAMA executives, in no particular order, are: president, Brent
Harder; social events chairman, Jeff Vitale; past-president, Richard
Neal; guest speaker chairman, Steve Petersen; first vice-president, Rob
Pedersen; safety chairman, Ray Greenland; second vice-president, Marg
Townsend; newsletter editor, Dan Taylor; secretary, Larry Phillips;
ABEC chairman, Kerry McClaren; treasurer/membership, Ron Walder;
apprenticeship/education, Dave Edwards and Ed Dalzell; CCA chair, Glenda Dewar.

Rick Zuchetto, past-president for the Glass Trades Association (GTA), reports that the Glass Trades of Northern Alberta new executive board includes: President, Ross Wady; vice-president, Michael Czernick; second vice-president, Mike Mancini; treasurer, Joe Millard; secretary, Wayne Brandt; and past-president, Rick Zuchetto.

The Glass Trades of Northern Alberta has 31 member firms and looking for more. We are presently making a concerted effort to recruit new member firms. We have put together an information sheet explaining the benefits of joining our association. We hope to be successful. We have taken steps to improve the information we provide and the venue by which we provide it.

The recruitment of quality apprentices in our industry continues to be of concern. We will address this in upcoming meetings. It is our hope that through the efforts of all our members, we can provide a working environment that will be attractive to young people. -end-

A submitted report by the Glass Dealers Association of Saskatchewan (GDAS) states: To-date we have a total of 16 Associate members and 46 Glass Shop members in our association. At a recent executive meeting, these are some of the issues we are addressing:

  • Our Architectural Glass Committee is reviewing the Glass and Glazing Manual for the Saskatchewan market. The committee is chaired by Jack Baumgartner from AFG Glass
  • in Regina. Hopefully after the committee’s review, we will be adopting the manual and presenting it to engineers, architects and the construction industry.
  • The Architectural Glass Committee has made recommendation for changes to the provincial Bid Depository committee as it relates to glass glazing and architectural aluminum issues.
  • The Auto Glass committee is looking at the Industry Certified Autoglass Program, (ICAP), for the province. This program is in place in British Columbia. Our goal is to have such a program to improve our relationship with Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI), as well as other insurance companies. -end-

Director Dennis Haatvedt, representing the Architectural Glass and Metal Contractors Association, (AGMCA), reports that: For most AGMCA contractors engaged in Ontario’s ICI construction and building sector, 2005 has proved to be a very busy year, according to Ontario’s Construction Secretariat (OCS).

The total value of Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (ICI) building permits issued in Ontario during the first nine months of 2005 reached a record $7 billion, up more than 12 percent from the same period last year.

Although a busy year, most Ontario contractors faced similar problems and day-to-day challenges coming from suppliers and manufacturers, general contractors, consultants, skilled labour shortages, financial institutions and government regulations to name a few.

The GCA of British Columbia
partnered with the Council of
construction Trade Associations of British Columbia for the Green
Construction Symposium in November, to promote the GCA’s Glazing
Systems Specifications Manual. Manning the booth (from left) are: Randy
Smith from Alumicor, Jim Beers from AGS
and Rich Porayko from Garibaldi Glass.

All too often the tendering practices are subject to abuse. Being low bidder can prove to be, for many contractors, an invitation to being squeezed again by a general contractor or by an owner’s representative. Also, all of us must be aware of contracts containing provisions and clauses that, unless well understood and accounted for, can financially cripple a company. Read the contract carefully! Don’t allow a general contractor to pass along the risk of being paid to you as a sub-contractor. Don’t accept language that suggests “you get paid if/or when they get paid.” -end-

Past-president of the Glazing Contractors Association (GCA) of British Columbia, Dave Husson reports that: The board of directors for 2005-06 are: president, Boris Sawicky, Prestige Glass; vice-president, Tom Fee, Semiahmoo Glass; secretary, Todd Domstad, Nuglas; treasurer, Marty Nixon, National Glass; past-president, David Husson.

Most of the attention of the GCA this past year has been devoted to a Pre-Apprenticeship Program to attract young people to our industry. Over the past 18 months, the GCA has received money from Service Canada to hire a consultant and develop the new program.

The GCA also honoured two of its members with Lifetime Achievement Awards during its annual golf tournament in June. The awards were presented to Les and Betty Clowers, founders of Lynnmour Glass and Aluminum. -end-

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