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IGMA adds Ignite Breakfasts to fall technical conference

June 16, 2015  By IGMA

IGMA (the Insulating Glass Manufacturer’s Alliance) is happy to announce a new activity at its upcoming Fall Technical Conference in Denver, Colorado: Ignite Breakfasts. During the Ignite Breakfasts, speakers will have 5 minutes and 20 slides to convey their message to attendees.

Here are the rules for these presentations:

  • 20 Slides: No more, no less.  You only get 20 slides to convey your “pitch.”
  • 5 Minutes: Each slide displays for 15 seconds and automatically advances.
  • No Videos/Animations: The point of an IGNITE is that you need to tell your story and do the selling, not the slides.
  • Be Passionate: If you don’t believe in your message, no one will.  IGNITE is about connecting with people on a human level, not a consumer one.
  • Tell a Story: Engineers and technical minded people, like other humans, enjoy the human side of creation and construction. They like to build things, and want to know how you can help them build things better, or build new things to change the world.

Here are some helpful tips for the Ignite presentation:

  • The pitch is about more than the product/service: it’s about connecting to people and giving them a reason to care about the product/service.
  • A 5 minute pitch should be designed to maximize the need to learn more, to support the product/service, to want to become involved.
  • Pitching to the entire attendance covers the broad spectrum of attendees, from president to marketing to engineers, planting seeds across the industry for the present AND the future.
  • The focus of the pitch is to highlight the product/service in a “real world” way that generates support and the desire to learn more.

Here is a short video explaining the IGMA Ignite Breakfasts.

For more information

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