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Change in the air

June 11, 2010  By KEVIN PELLEY

As we finish the first quarter of 2010, there is much optimism that
this year will be positive for our industry in most areas of the

As we finish the first quarter of 2010, there is much optimism that this year will be positive for our industry in most areas of the country. New construction is on the rebound and the renovation market had a strong start as people rushed to take advantage of the Home Renovation Tax Credit (HRTC). The CWDMA, on behalf of its members, sent a formal request to the Federal Government to extend the HRTC for another year. We received a “wait and see” response from the Minister.

John Glowacki and Terry Drew of CSA International at the Win-Door show in Toronto.
The CSA is currently working on a fenestration installer certification program. The launch of the certification program is expected in early 2011.


The expression “change is a good as a rest” has never been more evident in the Canadian window and door industry as it is today. 

The four major areas of change are: installation as it relates to the 2010 National Building Code of Canada (NBCC), the new North American Fenestration Standard for both doors and windows, Energy Star changes slated for fall 2010 and the new CSA installer certification program.

The goal of our association is to be involved in these changes, representing our members’ interests, and to be the primary source for the process involved to conform to the new codes and standards.
The CWDMA hosted a webinar series on May 17th to 19th with the focus on the following areas.

National Building Code Changes: Doors.

The 2010 National Building Code (NBC) of Canada has been changed to reference the new harmonized North American Fenestration Standard. While steel door testing has been referenced in the building code for over 20 years it was never enforced and very few door prehangers ever had to comply. The NAFS has established testing requirements for all types of side hinged doors and the referencing of NAFS in the 2010 NBC will have a very large impact on door prehangers. In order for prehangers to prove the products they sell comply with the building code they will be required to test these products.

The webinar presented the new code requirements and the NAFS testing requirements for doors.

Window manufacturers have been required to test the products to prove compliance with the building code for over 20 years. Once the 2010 NBC is adopted by the provinces, window manufacturers will have to comply by testing NAFS. While the testing procedures in NAFS are not new, they are different than most manufacturers will be used to seeing. The webinar presented the changes in the building code and NAFS that window manufacturers will need to be aware of and make plans to comply with the new code. Energy Star Update: The presentation gave an update on the current changes to Energy Star and also put forward initial thinking on a possible next phase of changes.

CSA’s FIT Program

The webinar reviewed the background, evolution and development of the first Canadian national program to certify installers of windows, doors and skylights. The FIT personnel certification program, developed by CSA with the support of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) and the Canadian Window and Door Manufacturers Association (CWDMA) is being developed to support the need for quality installations that meet industry standards and best practices and promote energy efficiency and consumer confidence. Having designed the scope, requirements and certification market, the program is currently focusing on defining the job practice domain as a foundation for competency measurement and certification. The launch of the certification program is expected in early 2011.

Due to numerous requests and concerns expressed by industry, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) has decided to change the implementation date of the new technical specification for windows, doors and skylights and the date for mandatory labelling from June 1, 2010 to October 1, 2010. A summary of new deadline dates follows:


The arrangement expiry date refers to versions of the administrative arrangements prior to the October 2009 version. Model information updates refers to the deadline for all registered models to have their data information upgraded to the current requirements. Note: models that do not have the required specific air leakage information will be deleted effective October 1, 2010.

The NRCan database silent period will now be from noon on September 23, 2010 to October 1, 2010 inclusive. This means that data submissions will not be processed

during that period of time to allow for changes to the database and website.

If you have any questions regarding the extension of these deadlines, please do not hesitate to contact  Steve Hopwood of NRCan at

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