Glass Canada

Win-Door sales brisk

April 28, 2011  By Patrick Flannery

April 28, 2011 – The Canadian Window and Door Manufacturer's Association is reporting initial sales of booth space for November's Win-Door show to be well ahead of last year's pace. The show takes place November 15 and 17 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.

Only a month after mailing the initial exhibitor package, 58 of the 158 booths have been sold, compared to 43 of 117 booths at the same time last year. Just three companies have indicated they will not exhibit. The CWDMA says it is seeing a lot of activity on the show website.

Seminar speakers and topics have been confirmed and will be reported to the CWDMA board at its annual meeting in Banff, Alta., May 26 to 28.

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