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Top Glass 2019 seminar – Through a glass sideways: New efforts to measure and mitigate anisotropy

January 9, 2019  By Patrick Flannery

Anisotropy, as opposed to isotropy, means that a material exhibits properties with different values when measured in different directions. In architectural glass, anisotropy relates to a visual effect caused by the presence of polarized light, the birefringent property of the glass and the mechanical stresses in the glass due to heat treatment. Louis Moreau believes the industry can improve on those aspects, with the long-term goal of aesthetic improvements for glass panels. This presentation will explain the fundamentals of anisotropy, when buildings are more susceptible to it, how to quantify it, and ultimately how to minimize it.

With over 25 years of experience in the glass industry, Louis brings an eclectic mix of international experience from float manufacturing, high performance vacuum coatings, large building glazing, and high-end glass fabrication.

As its Head of Technology and Innovation, Louis has played an instrumental role in the development and success of AGNORA. Louis likes to explore the limits of materials and processes to come up with innovative solutions. His most ambitious projects include More London Plot 1 and Plot 6; Mid City Place, London UK; Tour Granite, Paris FR; Sperone Westwater Gallery, New York USA, O’Hare Air Traffic Control Tower, QMA and the Onassis Center all-glass staircase. Most recently, Louis was named Task Group Chair for a new ASTM standard test method for retardation measurement on glass.

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