Glass Canada

Standards, updates and certification at CWDMA meeting

June 4, 2010  By


Standards, updates and certification at CWDMA meeting
Labels are important, at least to consumers of energy efficient windows. That was one point delivered by Steve Hopgood during his presentation at the Canadian Window and Door Manufacturer Association (CWDMA) meeting.

Jeff Baker of WestLab is the CWDMA
technical consultant. He updated
attendees on building codes and


June 4, 2010 – Labels are important, at least to consumers of energy efficient windows. That was one point delivered by Steve Hopgood during his presentation today at the Canadian Window and Door Manufacturer Association (CWDMA) annual meeting. Hopgood was presenting on updates to the Energy Star program.

The CWDMA annual meeting got underway June 3 with a full slate of directors' meetings and well attended welcome reception. The meeting takes place June 3 – 5 at the Pillar and Post Inn in Niagara-on-the-Lake.

The Technical & Issues Session kicked off Friday morning with "The Power of Branding" presented by Phil Otto of REVOLVE branding agency. This was immediately followed by Steve Hopwood update on the Energy Star program. Hopwood is the Energy Star account manager for Natural Resources Canada's Office of Energy Efficiency.

One item noted by Hopwood was that of mandatory labeling of window products. This is, at least in part, driven by the desire of consumers to have their energy efficient products labeled as such.

"We've tried voluntary labeling for a number of years," says Hopwood. "But it's a cost and it can be a pain, because of the way it's structured. If you're going to be in Energy Star, if you want to be in the program, you're going to label your products."

In addition to covering a number of other Energy Star related topics, Hopwood also outlined a number of revised deadlines, reproduced below:

New Technical Specifications         October 1, 2010
Mandatory Labeling                      October 1, 2010
Mandatory IG Certification            October 1, 2010
Air Leakage Information               October 1, 2010
Arrangement of Expiry Data          October 1, 2010
Model Information Updates            March 1, 2011

Following the Energy Star update, Miles Murphy of the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) gave a presentation on the Fenestration Installation Technician (FIT) Personnel Certification Program.

Murphy discussed what the proposed program would do, and how it is being developed. He also discussed possible future development of FIT levels 2 and 3, following the successful deployment of FIT level 1. Level 2 would deal residential installation over three stories, and Level 3 would concentrate on commercial installations.

"Each kind of certification has its strengths and weaknesses," said Murphy. "The strength of personnel certification is that you can be sure the individual is competent."

Murphy also discussed how CSA certification programs are accredited through international standards, and the perceived benefits of FIT. These include cost savings to property owners, increased consumer confidence, energy savings, and an assurance to manufacturers that products will be installed correctly.

The morning session was followed by lunch and a "Supplier's Showcase" tabletop tradeshow, featuring exhibits from Caldwell Manufacturing, Franklin International, NovaTech, Portes Patio Resiver, Roto Frank of North America, Screenco, Stevens Exhibit Design Group and Truth Hardware.

Technical sessions continued after lunch with a presentation on national building code changes and how windows and doors are affected. The presentation was conducted CWDMA technical consultant Jeff Baker of WestLab.

The day concluded with the President's Reception and Dinner.

The next day started with another information session, this time on the topic of lean manufacturing. The session was presented by Sepp Gmeiner of Lignum Consulting. In brief, lean manufacturing is an approach to eliminating waste, enabling continuous improvement and ensuring that every single business operation serves the customer.

 Eva Ryterband presented the results of
the financial committee.


Saturday's program also included the meeting portion of the event. President Kevin Pelley recapped 2009, and the many accomplishments of the CWDMA in that year, including the Win-Door trade show. Also outlined were plans for 2010, including a possible name change for the association to Fenestration Canada, and a revised, simpler mission statement.

The CWDMA would like to thank all of the sponsors who helped to make the annual meeting such a success:

Cardinal Glass Industries
Rehau Unlimited Polymer Solutions
Royal Window and Door Profiles
Truth Hardware
Visions Extrusions

For more information on the CWDMA, please visit .

The CWDMA annual meeting isn't all work and no play. Shown here enjoying some time on the links during the CWDMA annual golf tournament are Danielle Labrie of Glass Canada, Henry Banman of All Weather Windows, Christopher Lee of Franklin Adhesives and Robert Jutras of Air-Ins. 


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