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Social media workshop lays out differences between platforms during AAMA Fall Conference

October 22, 2018  By AAMA

Oct. 22, 2018 – A social media workshop about using different platforms provided ideas for effectively communicating a singular message to various audiences during a recent industry event. American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) Communications Coordinator, Meryl Williams, led the session entitled “Getting Your Message Across on Multiple Platforms” at the AAMA 2018 Fall Conference in Tucson, Arizona.

First, Williams gave a short overview of the previous three social media workshops conducted at AAMA conferences about LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram, explaining that the current workshop was a culmination of those three sessions. After laying out the strengths and weaknesses of those three social media platforms, Williams showed examples of how to best convey the same information across all three mediums.

“You’re not re-inventing the wheel every time,” said Williams. “You’re just tailoring your message to different platforms.”

Williams also demonstrated examples from various industry accounts that effectively communicated using these three tools.

Williams led a discussion with participants following the presentation component of the workshop, asking what platforms were being used, why those were chosen and what was working well. She also asked what was frustrating about various platforms and reminded the group that AAMA members can benefit from one-on-one social media trainings at any time.

A webinar version of the workshop will be held on November 6 at 11:30 a.m. Eastern for those who were unable to attend the in-person conference workshop. This webinar will be complimentary and open to the industry, not just AAMA members. Register on the AAMA website to attend.

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