Glass Canada

One insulating glass certification program for North America

February 19, 2009  By Patrick Flannery

Feb. 19, 2009 – The Insulating Glass Manufacturers Alliance (IGMA) and the Insulating Glass Certification Council (IGCC) have combined their certification programs into a single program.

One insulating glass certification program for North America
The Insulating Glass Manufacturers Alliance (IGMA) and the Insulating Glass Certification Council (IGCC) have combined their certification programs into a single program.

The process started with an announcement in June 2004 that the two organizations would work closely together to harmonize their respective program requirements. This cumulated into a formal license agreement signed by the IGMA and IGCC presidents, Roger Skluzacek (Viracon) and Ray Wakefield (Trulite Industries) during the IGMA Annual Conference on February 3, 2009.

Synonymous with the harmonization of the Canadian CGSB 12.8 and US ASTM E773/E774 standards resulting in the ASTM E 2188, E 2189 and E2190 for insulating glass testing, IGMA and IGCC have worked together diligently to develop a single set of program requirements. It was designed to represent the more stringent requirements of each program to offer insulating glass manufacturers one program labeled with the IGCC-IGMA trademark to capitalize on the strong market recognition of both programs in Canada and the US.

 “IGMA and IGCC have set the bar for insulating glass certification in North America as well as setting an example of what can be accomplished when two organizations work closely together for the benefit of the entire industry,” says Margaret Webb, IGMA executive director.

John Kent, IGCC administrative manager adds that both certification processes were scrutinized over several years with the result being a better single process for the certification of insulating glass. “Of paramount concern for both organizations was maintaining ultimate control of certification as the responsibility of the IGCC Board of Governors with its balance of 50 percent industry representation and 50 percent public interest representation,” he says. “This was accomplished.”

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