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Fenestration Canada: February 2012

Action on codes and standards

February 13, 2012  By Yvan Houle

Codes, regulations and standards are part of everyday life for
stakeholders involved in the production, sale and distribution of
fenestration products.

Codes, regulations and standards are part of everyday life for stakeholders involved in the production, sale and distribution of fenestration products. There is a tremendous amount of activity on codes and standards right now and the challenge is to keep up with what is going on in a number of jurisdictions on top of what is happening at the national level.  You can find additional information and details about several of these activities on Fenestration Canada’s website, .

Here’s a snapshot of some of the more important developments …

The Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing has announced that implementation of the North American Fenestration Standard (NAFS- 08) elements of the National Building Code 2010 into the Ontario Building Code has been delayed and will not come into force until July 1, 2013, for any products.

Fenestration Canada’s technical consultant, Jeff Baker, reports that FC received a favourable response to its request for inclusion of the National Fenestration Rating Council standard as a means of proving compliance with Ontario’s Supplementary Standard SB-12 governing energy efficiency. FC had also requested that the outdated reference to operable and fixed Energy Rating number be removed and replaced by the operable values only. Both requests were approved and included in the amendment to SB-12 prior to Jan. 1.

The Canadian Standards Association is looking for subject matter experts to volunteer for a standard-setting focus group for its new Fenestration Installation Technician certification. This will be a one-day meeting which will allow the CSA to finalize the exam and launch the program. Interested candidates should contact Kelly Adamovich, at 1-877-235-9791 ext. 88012. The CSA would like to schedule the meeting in mid-February or early March of this year.

The Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes has invited Fenestration Canada and its members to take part in the winter 2012 public review of proposed changes to incorporate energy efficiency for housing and small buildings into Part 9 of the NBC 2010. Details on how to participate in the review process are available on the FC website.

The National Energy Code for Houses and Small Buildings is now available for public review. Baker has reviewed the complete set of changes related to fenestration modifications. Stakeholders in the sector are being asked to review the code changes and provide any comments to the Code Centre by using a web link available on Fenestration Canada’s website that provides instructions and forms for submitting comments.  Comments must be submitted by 4 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, March 2, 2012.

The Canadian General Standards Board undertook a review last March of the CGSB Standards for Glass and Related Products by means of stakeholder surveys.  Findings indicate that there is some support for a technical review of the standards.  The CGSB will need funding support to administer the standards development process for new editions and / or re-affirm the existing standards.  Further information is available on the Fenestration Canada website.

All stakeholders in the sector are reminded to mark their calendars now for Fenestration Canada’s Annual Meeting being held at the Fairmont Chateau Montebello, June 7 to 9 in Montebello, Que. FC staff have toured the site and feel the Fairmont Chateau Montebello will be the perfect location for the 2012 program. A combination of a most beautiful natural setting in the woods along the Ottawa River, a great schedule of social events and a strong business and educational program will provide significant value and networking opportunities for delegates.  Montebello is one of eastern Canada’s leading destinations. It is an exceptional Quebec resort with year-round activities and a new spa. It is one impressive “red cedar log cabin.”

Yvan Houle is president of Fenestration Canada. Fenestration Canada’s mission is to represent and support all aspects of the window and door manufacturing industry.

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