Glass Canada

Features Business intelligence Contracting

Time to get FIT

June 10, 2011  By Kevin Pelley

Our Win-Door North America Show, scheduled for Nov. 15,16 and 17 in
Toronto, has announced the presentation of important seminars on
Canadian building codes as they apply to windows and doors, with special
highlights for door manufacturers.

Our Win-Door North America Show, scheduled for Nov. 15,16 and 17 in Toronto, has announced the presentation of important seminars on Canadian building codes as they apply to windows and doors, with special highlights for door manufacturers. To get the word out on codes, the show will offer attendees seminars on the Wednesday and Thursday of the show, led by the CWDMA’s technical advisor, Jeff Baker. As an engineer and renowned expert in fenestration rating, Baker is a respected industry source for factual information on code compliance and such other programs as Energy Star. His two seminars will cover highlights of the new codes as well as special break-out information that relates specifically to windows and doors.

The CSA is beta-testing its online exam for its Fenestration Installation Technician certification, which is launching later this year. You can get in early at a discount price by going to and following the links to the test. You only pay if you pass the test and want the certification.


Code changes
The latest codes in effect – NBC 2010 – will begin rolling out across the country in late 2011 and early 2012, starting in Ontario and Quebec. They will require manufacturers, dealers and installers to meet a host of requirements in such areas as labelling of products for air, water, structural and U-Values. The codes also affect the installation of windows, doors and skylights, and carry sections dealing with sealants, trim and flashing.

It is our understanding that these new codes will be strictly enforced, which means that code officials will be scrutinizing product closely for labelling to ensure it complies with the code, and that it has undergone stringent testing at certified test agencies for a broad range of requirements. It also means installers, building inspectors and new home warranty inspectors will need to be well informed and in the habit of checking work very closely to avoid problems later. In a regulatory environment that is changing, new windows, patio doors, skylights and doors will have to meet a challenging array of requirements comprising air infiltration/exfiltration, wind resistance, water leakage and heat transfer, as well as requirements in the areas of egress, resistance to forced entry, spread of fire, minimum size, overall performance rating, and more. Doors, windows and skylights will be subject to standards based on January design temperature and 1/50 wind pressure ratings by region across the country.

Doors have been an integral part of the national building code for many years; however the new code signals a renewed scrutiny. Products will now require temporary and permanent labels. Entrance doors must have a door viewer or transparent glazing in the door or sidelite. Exterior doors will be given a class (minimum R), assigned a performance grade and tested for size, positive/negative design pressure (DP), air infiltration/exfiltration and cycles. Exterior doors will have to meet new energy standards and resist forced entry, all the while operating with ease.

Window and door installation certification program
CWDMA is pleased to distribute a questionnaire to assist SAWDAC (the Siding and Window Dealers Association of Canada) in determining the market need for a training program to prepare persons who will be required to obtain Fenestration Installation Technician (FIT) certification, which is currently in draft form through the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) with support from CWDMA and government. The CSA FIT certification process involves taking an examination with over 100 questions to test and confirm the knowledge of people involved in the installation and servicing of windows, patio doors, doors and skylights. CSA will administer the FIT certification program but does not intend to offer preparation training for the FIT examination. Visit our website at to access the questionnaire – your input would be appreciated.

CSA Standards is launching the FIT certification program this summer or fall. Before the certification exam can be offered, it must be beta-tested to provide valuable feedback to assist in establishing the final exam questions and the pass/fail score for certification. If you are up for the challenge of beta-testing this brand new certification, sign up now. Exams will be deployed at testing centres throughout Canada starting in June 2011. Applications must be submitted by June 1. There is a special, discounted beta tester price of $250. Payment will be collected only if you pass the test and would like to obtain the certification. The beta test will take four hours. Be one of the first to earn certification as a FIT-Level 1. More details are available at the CWDMA website. •

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