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CGA Newsletter: December 2015

December 3, 2015  By Canadian Glass Association

Canadian Glass Association
In order to work better in concert with the Ontario Glass and Metal Association, the Canadian Glass Association has agreed to move its Glass Connections Conference to Sept. 13 -14, 2016, still at the Westin Ottawa hotel in Ottawa.

This move will keep Canadian glass industry events from overlapping, in addition to providing an opportunity for OGMA and CGA to work together on events surrounding the new conference date. The program is already laid out and plans to finalize the speakers are in the works. However, as a sneak-peek preview, below are some of the topics that will be addressed:

  • What is happening in the international code arena
  • Electrochromic glass
  • What are LCA, EPD, and PCR?
  • SB10 and SB12
  • Prompt Payment
  • Differences between silicone coatings – pros and cons
  • Code considerations in fire-rated glass

Registration for the event will be live in January, but for now if companies are interested in sponsoring the event and/or hosting a tabletop, contact CGA at We look forward to seeing everyone in September!

Provincial Glaziers Association of Alberta
The PGAA is pleased to report the first course in our Master Glazier Program – “Reading Division 8 Plans” – was offered in November at SAIT Polytechnic in Calgary. We are encouraged to report that the class was almost full. The second course in our nine course program, “Doors and Related Hardware,” is being developed as you read this. Scheduled completion of this course is the end of January, 2016. The PGAA would like to thank the following industry subject matter experts for generously helping in the development of “Doors and Related Hardware.” They are Jim Brady from Desa Glass in Calgary and Lynn Allan and Tom Woodman from Capilano Glass in Edmonton. Without their help this program would not happen. With seven more courses to go we have been able to recruit several more SME’s for these courses. On behalf of all our members thank you for stepping up to the plate.

Please note that the Master Glazier Program is open to all journeyman glaziers not just Alberta journeyman. At this point the courses will require classroom attendance in Calgary. We appreciate that this may not be convenient for some due to travel. Providing there is enough interest, there may be a long distance learning alternative for some of the courses in the future.

You do not have to be a journeyman glazier to take courses in the program. The courses are being developed so that anyone in the glazing industry or anyone who supports the construction industry can take the courses. The only exception is the Glazing Craftsmanship course. The PGAA encourages anyone who wishes to upgrade their skills to enroll in these courses. Non-journeyman taking individual courses will not, however, be eligible for Master Glazier Certification. For complete information on the program, go to and click on education.

The Certificate of Leadership awards will be presented at the next monthly meetings of the Glass and Architectural Metals Association (Calgary) and the Glass Trades Association (Edmonton).

Skills Canada, Alberta will be held in Edmonton on May 11 and 12, 2016. The PGAA supports this event with an extensive hands-on booth that last year entertained 650 students and introduced them to the glazing industry. We expect the 2016 edition to be equally successful.

Golf tournament dates for 2016 are as follows:

  • PGAA – Aug. 18
  • GAMA – June 23
  • GTA – May 28

Mark these on your calendar. Details to come..

Best wishes to our PGAA members and industry cousins in the rest of Canada during this festive season..

Ontario Glass and Metal Association
The legal review of the Construction Lien Act is now well underway and an information package has been completed by the legal review group for distribution. The OGMA has teamed up with the Prompt Payment Ontario (PPO) group to represent our interests in bringing fair payment terms into law. PPO had its’ day at the table with the review group at the end of October.  Updates on the status of the review will be distributed as they become available.

The OGMA Fall Seminar has been delayed and will now take place on Thursday, Jan. 21, 2016 at 11:30 at the Richmond Hill Golf Club. Topics are to include an up-to-the-minute update on the status of the Ontario Construction Lien Act review, a question and answer period with a construction law expert, and an update on changes from the Ministry of Labour presented by Workplace Safety and Prevention Services.

The OGMA will once again be asking members to submit a presentation on a project they are particularly proud of, and would like to brag a bit about, for our Award of Excellence. Keep your eyes open for your submissions package and don’t be shy about blowing your own horn. Winners will be presented with a beautiful plaque that you’d be proud to display in your office at the Top Glass Conference on April 20, 2016.

If you are conducting business in the glass industry in Ontario, the OGMA is the voice that represents your interests at the provincial and federal level.   Protect your business interests by becoming a member or as an associate member if you are a consultant to the industry.  Please visit the for more information.

After a year of preparation, the safety manual is now ready for use by the metal and glass industry.  The manual was created by qualified health and safety professionals and is a timesaving tool enabling glass shops to establish their own company program. Not only will this support a company’s efforts to eliminate workplace injuries and illnesses, it will also lower costs and time related to WSIB claims. Additionally, the health and safety manual provides proof of compliance with the new OHSA Regulation 297/13.

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