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ALI releases updated A14.7 standard for mobile ladders

January 27, 2012  By American Ladder Institute

Jan. 27, 2012 – The American Ladder Institute, the national trade association representing the North American ladder industry, has released the updated A14.7 standard, which provides technical specifications for mobile ladder stands and mobile ladder stand platforms. The standard prescribes rules for mobile ladders, also referred to as rolling ladders, which are primarily used in the workplace and are generally purchased to perform a specific task.

“Use of mobile ladders and mobile ladder stands and platforms continues
to increase. This revision provides additional clarity and direction for
safe design and operation,” said Marty Silverman, A14.7 subcommittee
chair. “The American Ladder Institute is committed to ladder safety and
the continued advancement of this standard is an example of that.”

This revision replaces A14.7 2006 and includes new and/or enhanced
definitions, testing protocols and user requirements; revised drawings and an expanded label/marking section.

ALI is the American National Standards Institute-approved
developer of standards for the ladder industry. ANSI standards are intended for use by manufacturers, consumers and the
general public. In addition to A14.7, ALI develops the following

A14.1 – Wood Ladders
A14.2 – Portable Metal Ladders
A14.3 – Fixed Ladders
A14.4 – Job Made Wooden Ladders
A14.5 – Portable Reinforced Plastic Ladders
A14.9 – Disappearing Attic Stairways

All standards are available for purchase at the ALI website.

Founded in 1947, the ALI represents North
American ladder manufacturers and is committed to the highest standards
of ladder safety. The ALI mission is to educate the public about the
selection, care and safe use of ladders. It also develops and
disseminates the appropriate standards for design, construction,
testing, care and use of ladders.

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American Ladder Institute

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