Fenestration Canada donates to Habitat for Humanity at Win-door
November 22, 2011 By Patrick Flannery
Nov. 22, 2011 – Fenestration Canada Yvan Houle and past president Kevin Pelley handed over a very large cheque to representatives from Habitat for Humanity and Toronto EMS as part of the Win-door opening ceremonies on Nov. 15.
Nov. 22, 2011 – Fenestration Canada Yvan Houle and past president Kevin
Pelley handed over a very large cheque to representatives from Habitat
for Humanity and Toronto EMS as part of the Win-door opening ceremonies
on Nov. 15. The $5,000 donation marks a new partnership between
Fenestration Canada and Habitat for Humanity that will see Fenestration
Canada promoting the charity to its members.
According to Houle, partnership with Habitat for Humanity meets several
association goals. As a national charity, members across the country
will be able to get involved in Habitat's projects. Members donating
supplies or cooperating on projects will be recognized by Habitat for
Humanity and gain market profile. And donating to Habitat projects is an
excellent way to get rid of surplus product and materials that would
otherwise go to landfill.
Fenestration Canada will continue its support for the Toronto EMS's
Window and Balcony Safety program. The money donated to Habitat for
Humanity is going to a build sponsored by Toronto EMS dubbed the 911
Related links
Fenestration Canada
Habitat for Humanity
Toronto EMS
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